Contact tracers

Tracers are active spies, basically a communist snitch

 Published: Sunday, 10 May 2020 19:10

It's communism in disguise!


Snitches sent by Big Pharma
aim to extinguish your privacy

Hiring Contact Tracing Investigators All Over the US
to Hunt Down and Remove the Infected 

Remember where you are from. Think back to that exact time and try to imagine that you would ever have to worry about your neighbors coming to your home and then later reporting everything you told them to a government agency which was paying them to do exactly that!

Think about how rare and odd it would have been, back in the day, to even contemplate this idea. Now think about how commonplace it is today. We are all in the grip of lockdown-induced shellshock, reinforced by masks, compulsive handwashing and the diabolical prescription of social distancing, which has attacked our immune systems, our bank accounts and our sense of self-reliance. We’re not in control anymore.

Over the span of your life, this plummeting arrow charts our descent from consciousness into preprogrammed behavior. Our lives have been eroded by manipulative scientists who have turned most of us into cattle who pretty much believe everything they are told by “the authorities”. When official lies are pointed out they are shouted down by stonewalling media, which each day sound more similar to the government they are supposed to be investigating.

The new job market features an attractive new possibility with career opportunities as a contact tracer. When someone tests positive for the designated disease, detectives are hired to document the infected person’s previous whereabouts so that other potential careers of the disease may be identified, and if necessary treated and/or quarantined. Your innermost secrets will be revealed to people you will wish you had never met.

The tests they use are subject to debate as regards their efficacy, but there is no question that if you accept any untested vaccine, you are putting your life at the disposal of someone who doesn’t really give a damn about you.

Many frustrated recently unemployed persons will enthusiastically embrace this new career change, which evaporates the last ounce of trust you may ever have about making friends with a stranger. This perfect tool for alienation makes a nice package with how the 5G microwaves will vibrate the metal in your system and likely cause permanent difficulty breathing. Who knows? With any new vaccine, or any vaccine at all, you may become immortal or you may drop dead or become paralyzed in a surprisingly short period of time.

If you believe that then we have a candidate you can vote for.

Don’t worry. There is no hope. You can’t sue the vaccine markers, although the government has a special fund by which to bribe you to keep your mouth shut.

Here are some potentially valuable instructions for your exciting new career of betraying your friends.

Verifying your sources

If you’re listening to television, you have the wrong information. If you’re listening to your doctor, you have the wrong information. If you’re listening to your government, you have the wrong information.

Special new rule just learned during the lockdown: You may not trust anyone who recommends a vaccine for anything.

You can’t trust what you hear on TV, ever. You can’t trust your own government, ever. You can’t trust your doctors, because they are ruled by a greedy guild that will destroy them if they ever try to tell the truth. You can’t trust your preacher because he always trips over his own fabricated dogma and then invariably reveals he is far more interested in maintaining his own vehicle for control than he is in caring for your soul. But take heart. You can trust God, every time. He’s that little voice in your head that Freud once called your superego, which always tells you what you should do if you want to do the right thing. You only have to ask. You have probably run into him without knowing it in the course of your travels.

This behavior is built into your wiring. You don’t need anybody to teach it to you. In other words, you have permission to trust yourself.

American history goes like this. We didn’t have to bomb Dresden that turned people into puddles of blood in the street. The war was already over.

We didn’t have to try out those new bombs on those Japanese cities. The war was already over.

We didn’t have to bury all those still-alive Iraqi soldiers on the highway of death with bulldozers. The war was already over.

What gave the impetus to crushing the testicles of all the German officers who testified at Nuremberg? The war was already over.

And a new war was begun that festers and bubbles in our warped minds even as you read these words.

Who are we to speak?

What happens when we contact trace ourselves? Who are we?

The Stranglers.

Imposter humans asphyxiating the world.

All this political hoohah that goes on in the world is without meaning, for the simple reason that it is impossible to try and solve any crime without naming the perps. Especially repetitive crimes of unbelievably huge magnitudes require a positive, foolproof presentation of the proof.

This is not permitted, because the source of the crimes against the people is the same source you hear reporting the news each day, and that is the reality you have been persuaded to accept, a selective blindness about the unspoken facts of the world.

Like the shutting down of the entire world because of the iron grip the medical profession, better known as Big Pharma, has on the faith of humanity because of its power to help people avoid needless death and disease.

How devastating, then, becomes the observation that history shows they cannot be trusted, that they invent human diseases so they can cure them, and waste millions lives on lies — tricks played upon the public — that are ultimately mere family-shattering profit strategies.

According to mainstream media, families are not important anymore. All these reporters say the government can do a much better job protecting you than your own family. They are able to say this after a half century of their social manipulation has pretty much destroyed the American family structure by the year 2020.

Now all members of families are equal opportunity units. Each one is entitled to an equal share of the pie they imagine to exist, so that they may compete against each other and consult the government for trustworthy advice as to when to stab a relative in the back.

Who has created this situation? Will anybody ever dare say?

Channeled speech

No matter what they say, you can’t really say what you want to say anymore. You’re always looking over your shoulder about who can hear you, and these days THEY can hear from high tech angles that ordinary people would not even imagine existed.

They are the magic words that get you kicked off YouTube — and all the Jewish communications platforms. Has it ever been any clearer?

Now they’re talking about contact tracers. The new hot job market for all those hungry unemployed execs looking to find a career in betraying the trust of others, got that gummint job security and rather enjoys seeing other lives ruined.

This increasing rush toward total plasticization of money has about the same sound as the last puny puddle of freedom circling the drain — sort of a gurgle, choking sound that you can hear in the collective throats of soon to be penniless Americans wondering where they will find their next meal.

If someone claims you have reportedly been seen WITH someone who reportedly has tested positive for this epidemic disease YOU can be taken away and forced against your will to take a shot that will change your DNA. This is what the human future has evolved to, and you’ll be forced to take the shot if you want to have access to money.

But that is how Big Capital has always ruled civilization — by strangling the population.

How it came to be this way

Masks are symbols of alienation, ultimately injurious to your own health, and also the health of others. By alienating you from your family and friends you will inevitably come to rely upon the government. It’s like a magnetic whirlpool based on the love of money sucking us into the matrix.

The great flaw in the so-called science of psychology is that it treats humans as unattached individuals, rather than cogs in neural and social nets that define who we are as people. Our health is mostly defined as how well we get along with others, though most of us join a team that has been constructed to do battle with rather than work with others.

The one-size-fits-all worlders are the enemies of humanity because the essence of humanity is individuality, without which humans become something else, something less than fully human. And that is what our soulless controllers aim to produce. And have produced.

Now to be even more thoroughly monitored by contact tracers.

In today’s utterly corrupt education system, we are taught to be imposters. We steal as much as we can before Father Time and Mother Night catch up to us.

They people in power define reality on the basis of what they need, rather than what they say.

This may explain why some people can eat children, though it would have been better for all had all these misaligned people been scrutinized at a much younger age to search for predictive tendencies toward murder and mayhem.

Then again as Dr. Cowan likes to remind us, the cause of most illnesses are not so much exotic germs as they are environmental attacks, nowadays generally radiating from some electronic device or network.

This takes us to what is likely to be the second part of the plan to regiment the populace into fully encoded compliant slaves, content in their cubicles with pleasant productions to keep him happy while they act as subjects for various chemical experiments on how the herd can be better controlled.

This is where turn the other cheek became one of the most virulent mental manacles of all time as it allowed the church and all the rampaging holy men throughout the world to convince everyone they operated from a higher moral plane, and this is why we should listen to them. They were our pipeline to God. Now we know there is no need for a pipeline when the connection is direct.

So what do we do when our finest minds are telling us what the government is saying about the lockdown is false, and not only false, but harmful? Why have they destroyed our world on a false pretense? It’s time we learned the answer.

Dr. Kaufman told us no vaccine has ever done what it aimed to do — cure disease. Yet vaccines have killed so many people the Big Pharma controlled government had to pass a law protecting drug makers from all lawsuits. Critics see that as legal permission to commit crimes in the form of lies about what drugs can and cannot do.

It seems odd to say it, but given what has been going on lately, everyone should be reminded that it’s not OK to give someone else permission to kill you, which is what you are doing if you take a vaccine.

You can’t make a vaccine that’s completely safe.
— Robert Kennedy Jr.

If you haven’t figured this out yet, there likely is no hope for you to expunge the lies you have ingested which considerably have diminished your intelligence and shortened your lifespan.

The entire world is run by the same entity. There are no foreign powers. There are today only subsections of the World Bank, with a few outliers permanently under siege by the totalitarian financial forces of evil.

Countries pretend to contend with each other but all are ultimately owned by the same banks.

They count on you thinking you are still under the control of a benevolent Constitutional legislature when you haven’t been for the past 150 years. This has been the genius mindwarping of the media, which prove every day that the way a story is spun is far more likely to make it into their history books than the actual facts, which invariably reveal the lie of the surviving accounts.

In the battle for the public’s mind, the interplay of 5G and metals in vaccines augur a different kind of epidemic in our immediate future, that of electronic poisoning from the electrosmog generated by radiowaves orders of magnitude more powerful than the ever increasing radiological signature that bedevils us now.

Somehow they think that risking the lives of everyone is an acceptable human behavior. Any future society criminalizing this aberrant behavior should reap everlasting honor.

The simple fact is this.

Vaccine adjuvants predispose to auto immune disease.

Contact tracers aim to test you for a disease that doesn’t exist in order to vaccinate you with a substance that has not been properly tested, and totally change your life . . . or perhaps end it.

Sort of like a real life Alexa . . .

Contact tracing with the Clintons (7:17)

So many false assumptions rammed down the public throat. Track all people who test positive. Practically all people test positive. Therefore, the whole population gets tracked, 24/7, from cradle to grave. You get hauled away if you test positive, just like an unwanted kid in Foster Care, and you know what happens to them. From now on, your shadow is not your own.

Isolate and quarantine those who test positive. They will be slated for very humane (I’m sure) deactivation. Will we ever get over this lockdown psychosis, where reality was disallowed and Alice in Wonderland rules adopted? Like some witch’s spell, the entire world has been flashfrozen in place.

As the COVID-19 death toll is revealed as fraudulent, so will future diseases be tabulated.

They are locking the door of our imprisoned planet. The elite plan on doing some serious killing.