Just like Jeremy Bentham, who we discussed previously, Karl Marx (1818 -1883) was yet another promoted, made man and lifetime actor. Like Bentham, there is no other way to analyze him other than personality, actions and personal life history, which appears Sabbatean and/or Luciferian.
The Marx persona was convoluted, twisted and chameleon-like, as if someone wrote a script and tried to bury any aspects that didn’t fit the contrived narrative. Incredibly, Marx is held in relatively high esteem around the world. Why?
His ideological socialist rival, Mikhail Bakunin, got the big picture about Marx in spades. Once again, we see the familiar pattern of an elite group putting forth pseudo-philosophies designed to enslave the general population so that they can be lorded over and looted by what some call “oligarchs.” We call them “kleptocrats” or the Crime Syndicate.
‘This world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other. This may seem strange. What can there be in common between socialism and a leading bank? The point is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, demands a strong centralization of the state. And where there is centralization of the state, there must necessarily be a central bank; and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, speculating with the Labour of the people, will be found.’
— Profession of faith of a Russian socialist democrat preceded by a study on German Jews (Letter to Le Réveil, Paris, 1869 )
Before his death in 1876, Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin sounded the alarm far and wide about a plutocratic bankster capture of the revolutionary movement.
The 1872 Hague Congress was dominated by a struggle between Marx and his followers, who argued for the use of the state to bring about socialism; and the Bakunin faction, which argued instead for the replacement of the state by federations of self-governing workplaces and communes. Bakunin was expelled and smeared as an “anarchist” to this day. In stark contrast to Marx, those who met and knew Bakunin separate from the political realm had the nicest things to say about him.
So Marx’s role was to use workers as “useful idiots” and blind tools, which they hoped to be able to manipulate. To carry on with their conspiracy in the name of the working class, they had to cultivate and shape all sorts of communist and socialist utopias. Marx hoped to exploit the jealousy of the stupid proletariat to enforce a hell on earth in which fear, suffering, terror and treason ruled supreme.
From the beginning, the Marx myth was steeped in obfuscation. His father, Hirschel ha-Levi Marx — a justice on the Supreme Court with links to the Rothschilds — had opportunistically converted to Christianity in 1816. What a coinkydink given that Hirschel’s father was a famous chief rabbi in Cologne. His father-in-law was also a rabbi.
On May 5, 1818, in the German town of Trier, Marx was born. Despite being an alleged Christian, he was given the Mosaic name Moses Mordecai Levi Marx. “Karl” was used as a cover name for his Christian persona. He was not baptized until age 6. Feel free to debunk it, but there is a claim that he was London-based Lionel Nathan Rothschild’s third cousin.
Then, by sheer coinkydink, young Marx went to a Jesuit school at the same time he went to a Talmudic school, where he learned that Jews must rule the world. Bernard Lazar [Lazana] (1865-1903), a well-known functionary and publicist within Judaism, confirmed that Marx had been affected by Talmudism.

Little is known of Marx’s childhood but, in college, his sullen sociopathic-side came through. The death of his father in May 1838 may have affected him and made him bitter, as his income from the family evaporated.
Marx became an atheist and took to poetry that expressed apocalyptic hate for humanity. Forty poems and the verse-drama “Oulanem” written by Marx have been found to date. In his little ditty, “Der Spiel-mann” (“The Fiddler”), he admitted:
That art God neither wants nor wists,
It leaps to the brain from Hell’s black mists.
Till heart’s bewitched,
till senses reel:
With Satan I have struck my deal.
In another poem, Marx promised to lure mankind with him into hell in the company of Satan.
In “Human Pride” [published in “World Revolution” by Nesta Webster, p. 167], Marx told us what he really thought and reveals himself a true psycho. Like Bentham and ilk, nobody seemed to give a hoot about the core of these monsters.
With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
Full in the face of the world,
And see the collapse of this pygmy giant
Whose fall will not stifle my ardor.
Then I will be able to walk triumphantly
Like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom.
Every word of mine is fire and action.
My breast is equal to that of the Creator.

Marx made this typical bombastic statement on April 14, 1856: “History is the judge, the proletariat its executioner.”
He found great pleasure in talking about terror and about houses marked with red crosses, which indicated the inhabitants were to be killed.
These words are reminiscent of Sabbeaten Jakob Frank’s expressions. It shows that Marx was likely affected by Frankism. Marx’s father had come into contact with Frankism and had also instructed his children in this ideology. Trier is a short distance from the Frankist center near Frankfurt.

At age 24, Marx the “Christian” worked for and became influenced by Rabbi Moses Hess, a rancorous firebrand. Hess introduced Marx to half-Jew Frederick Engels. Hess stressed the need to agitate the social classes against each other and, in this way, hinder their co-operation. He wanted to bring about a socialist revolution with the help of Judaism, racism and the class struggle. He stressed that socialism was inseparably bound to internationalism, as the socialists have no fatherland. The true socialist cannot have anything to do with his nationality.
He also declared: “This does not apply to Jews!”
Internationalism served the interests of Judaism. He stressed that the Jews had been given the role of changing mankind into a savage animal, as described in his article “About the Monetary System” [“Rheinische Jahrbucher” Vol. 1, 1845].
Marx himself just blandly (always typical of his tone) and openly admitted to the scheme: “Behind every tyrant there is always a Jew.”
In November 1847, he reorganized a band of revolutionaries, called The League of Just Men, into the Communist Party. Together with Engels, Marx reorganized (Soviet term) the league before the end of the year. Hess, Marx, Engels, Wilhelm Weitling, Hermann Kriege, Joseph Weydemeyer, and Ernst and Ferdinand Wolf played important roles. This occurred just ahead of the 1848 revolutions throughout Europe.
Then, Marx and Engels were alleged to have made some contrived split with Hess; but later, Marx and Engels stated quite openly that many of Hess’ ideas deserved wide recognition.
“The Communist Manifesto” published in London was probably largely ghost-written. It was a hodgepodge of previous thinking. Marx only further developed the ideas of Illuminist leaders Adam Weishaupt and Clinton Roosevelt. He cut and pasted the words of Utopian communist and Illuminati Francois Noel Babeuf (1760-1797) to show the way to the socialist (Illuminist) revolution.
For the record, I now believe the Illuminists were defacto Sabbeatean Frankists. Although the term “Illuminati” is useful, it’s a bit of a deflection.
In the manifesto, Marx drew from his anti-social college fantasies:
“The ruling classes shall tremble before the coming Communist Revolution!”
“We can only reach our goals by violently overthrowing the entire established order.”
“We are merciless and do not demand any clemency. When it is our turn, we will not hide our terrorism.”
[“Karl Marx: Eine Psycho-graphie” by Arnold Kunzli, Vienna, 1966]
In “Das Kapital” (1867), Marx argued it’s absolutely necessary to stress the need of violence in socialist actions.
He wrote: “Violence is the midwife who helps a new society struggle out from the womb of the old.”
What the spirit of Marx really wanted was to treat their subjects with such violence that they eventually lost all feelings of mercy and humanity toward their fellows. The Marxists also took all the proceeds of workers’ produced, and paid them too little or nothing at all for their work. In this manner, the Marxists developed modern slavery, which is something Bentham could only fantasize about.
The extinction of all-profound cultural values and creations was front and center. Marx’s “doctrine” only concerned the way physical work creates value. In contrast, he did not acknowledge creative thought. It differed from Hegel, who had thought in idealist terms, putting ideas in the forefront; whereas Marx sought to rewrite dialectics in materialist terms, arguing for the primacy of matter over idea.
Certain judges of Marxism try to claim that those who can interpret the doctrine correctly have not yet reached power. How is it that only Marxists who interpreted the doctrine wrongly came into power? Sheer coinkydink? There was certainly no way Marx had actually intended his “teachings” to work.
His college poem fantasies had come to fruition: “Lure mankind with him into hell in the company of Satan.”
According to the most famous myth, Marx had no money and was economically dependent on his “friend” Engels. In reality, Nathan Rothschild financed him.
Bakunin, in his “Polemique contre les Juifs” (“Polemic Against the Jews”), again set the matter straight, stating that Marx and his crew “had one foot in the bank and the other foot in the socialist movement.”
Marx craved the finest foods and French wine, among other things, all of which were imported for his family meals. His family had a weakness for expensive habits.
Marx’s uncontrolled drinking and his wild and expensive orgies only increased his fury at his environment. All the meetings in Paris had to be held behind closed doors and windows, so that Marx’s roaring was not heard out in the street.
Then there’s Engels’ own comments on Marx:
“Who is chasing with wild endeavor? A black man from Trier, a remarkable monster. He does not walk or run, he jumps on his heels and rages full of anger …
“He was livid with hatred, as if 10,000 devils had caught him by the hair”.
A famous Jewish socialist, Freemason and comrade of Marx, Giuseppe Mazzini, who had known Marx well, wrote this about him: “His heart bursts rather with hatred than with love toward men,” and added Marx was “a destructive spirit.”
He had a habit of warning: “I will annihilate you!”
Fritz Joachim Raddatz in “Karl Marx: Eine Politische Biographie,” Hamburg, 1975
Marx was an unreliable egoist and a lying intriguer who only wished to exploit others, according to his assistant, Karl Heinzen [Karl Heinzen, “Erlebtes,” Boston, 1864]. Heinzen also thought that Marx had small, nasty eyes “which spat flames of evil fire”.
Marx was not interested in democracy. The editorial staff of Neue Rheinische Zeitung was, according to Engels, organized so that Marx became its dictator.
He could not take criticism. He always became infuriated if anyone tried to criticise him. In 1874, when Dr. Ludwig Kugelmann merely hinted that if Marx would organize his life a little better he might finish “Das Kapital”, Marx would have nothing more to do with Kugelmann and slandered him ruthlessly.
Marx collected information about his political rivals and opponents. He delivered the notes he made to the police, believing it to be of advantage to him.
Karl Marx condemned exploitation of people. He himself exploited everyone near him. He fought all those he could not subdue. Even as a child, he had been a real tyrant. To work was what Marx wanted least of all. He speculated heavily on the stock market, however, constantly losing huge amounts of money. Neither did he show any consideration for the work of others. Many craftsmen he hired had to wait a long time for their pay. His housekeeper, Helen Demuth, worked like a slave in his household for 40 years without any cash pay whatsoever.
In further reference to Marx’s housekeeper Helen Demuth, it can be said that on June 23, 1851, she gave birth to a baby boy whose father’s name was Karl Marx. The father wanted to know nothing about Henry Frederick Demuth, however, so the boy was given up to a foster home. The case of the disowned son later became an embarrassment for the Bolshevik leaders in Moscow, so Joseph Stalin classified as secret those letters between Marx and Engels, where this affair is too apparent. (Viikkolehti, 11th of January 1992.)
Marx supported slavery in the United States of America. Like his brother Sabattean Illuminati Albert Pike, he vented his racist opinions against blacks. Racism and anti-semitic canards were used by Marx as a gimmick of control and intimidation.
Marx preached about a better society but did not care about any morals. Nor did he care about cleanliness. This had a bad effect on both his health and his contacts with other revolutionaries. He suffered from boils for 25 years.
In 1873 these boils caused him a nervous breakdown leading to tremors and violent fits of rage. He never ate fruit or vegetables. Protracted insomnia was a consequence, and Marx used narcotics and became addicted. He liked wine and liqueurs and smoked an enormous amount of cigars.
Source: https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/06/portrait-of-evil-karl-marx-a-disciple-of-hell-on-earth/