Mac Slavo
July 7th, 2020
Americans are losing patience with the lies, propaganda, and destruction of their livelihoods since following the orders of the totalitarian government. It looks like the government has overplayed its hand, and Americans are done obeying the ruling class.
Have Americans finally reached their breaking point? Do they actually desire freedom over the false sense of security being promised by the government? Maybe. It appears that a good number are simply unwilling to comply with orders anymore.
On June 19, the mayor of Cottonwood, Arizona, unilaterally ordered city residents to wear face masks in public places. A week later, my family went downtown to grab some lunch at a favorite barbecue joint. The proclamation might as well have never been issued; we were among the very few people wearing masks on the street or in the stores. –Reason
Compliance with orders from on-high is losing popularity rapidly across the country. More and more Americans are simply disobeying the commands in favor of living a life of freedom. One of the COVID-19 pandemic’s legacies may very well be an overwhelming public fatigue with being told what to do.
Honestly, I tired of the rhetoric and commands early on when businesses began to shut down after being told to. All governments refuse to ask if the public even needs to be bossed around, but ordering the slaves to comply is what they do best. And they’re finally getting a lot of pushback.
Even at the beginning of the pandemic, when fear and uncertainty were at their height, many Americans worried that they would lose more to economic stagnation and social isolation than they gained from society-wide lockdowns. Closing businesses and banning gatherings might slow the spread of disease, but it also chokes off commerce, kills jobs, and sends people to the brink of despair.
“Frustrated small-business owners have turned to heavily armed, militia-style protesters … to serve as reopening security squads” to deter government officials from enforcing closure orders, The New York Timesreported in mid-May. Disobedience morphed into open rebellion as people chafed against draconian commands and the resulting dwindling bank accounts.
It isn’t only a matter of dollars and cents, either. In New York City, parents sick of confinement at home and unable to legally let their children blow off steam in playgrounds “cut the locks and chains on gates that had kept them closed for months,” according to the New York Daily News. –Reason
Civil disobedience is the only option left for those who want to live freely. Petitions don’t work because the government doesn’t care. Protests don’t work because the government doesn’t care. Free people don’t ask permission anyway, they just live free.
Civil Disobedience Is Here: People All Over Are Getting Off Their Knees & Disobeying Tyrants
Granted, there are still a number of good slaves out there ready to obey, comply, and bow down to the incoming New World Order, the one world currency, and the one-world religion. But for many, it’s already gone too far, and they’ve said: “enough is enough.”
We don’t need governments’ permission to be free, and it’s about time people begin to realize that. Americans’ unwillingness to be governed any further by officials who responded to the pandemic with a series of botched policy initiatives, personal exemptions, and seemingly arbitrary commands to the public is understandable. Why would you take orders from people who seem to have no idea what they’re doing and clearly don’t intend to follow the rules themselves?
No one owns you, including the government of the United States. You own yourself, and with that, the responsibility of acting in your own free will, and not be at the whims of a ruling class. Your rights were given to you by the Creator and cannot be taken no matter what is voted for and no matter who writes a law otherwise. It’s good to see Americans finally realizing this.