May 27, 2020 Russ Winter Articles by Russ Winter, US News, Winter Watch Articles 11
There is an Irish author and lecturer by the name of Thomas Sheridan who has been important in my awakening about the dualism of evil and good in the world. Sheridan has written books on psychopathy, and I am particularly interested in this from an institutional framework. He states that psychopaths are in high positions of power in many if not most countries.
Political Ponerology: A Psychological Anatomy of Evil, Politics and Public Trauma
Sheridan describes a psychopathic pyramid that runs society. Of particular interest is his descriptive of the brain function of psychopaths. Psychopathy can also infect normal people, who can then become fellow travelers, or proto-psychopaths. He discusses the disinformation and ridicule campaign to co-opt and discredit the alternative media. They control through kompromat.
If your eyes are open and you’re alert, you can identify psychopaths by their emptiness and patterns of lies. This is much more than just greed and narcissism. It is more about demonic behaviors that surface at times, called “the reveal.” You witness the cerebellum, or reptilian part of the brain, firing up and completely dominating the neo-cortex in these individuals.
An example is Hillary Clinton gleefully yucking it up about the death of Libyan Prime Minister Col. Muammar Gaddafi and others, which subsequently resulted in nothing but chaos and misery throughout that country. War is money. Crime is money. Chaos and mayhem is the business model for the psychopathic control grid. Therefore, one must ask: If this is her idea of a good laugh on mainstream broadcast television, what is she like in private?
As I have explored some of the stunts and crimes these people carry off, of which I’ve written about on these pages, I’ve come to recognize their ongoing, tiresome, psychopathic methods. Arrogant, pseudo-skeptic debunking and gas-lighting are key tactics. I went into gas-lighting techniques (creating a false perception, or false reality) as a manipulation tool in my article Gaslighting: From Pizzagate to Benghazi
Trump and His Dark Triad Mental State
Watch Bill Gates reveal through snickering and chortling when the topic of economic collapse and healthy people suffering comes up.
In the following video, former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff — a world-class criminal instrumental in the 9/11 cover up, and who even appears rather demonic at times — employs gas-lighting tactics when answering questions about 9/11 on C-Span. Notice in the video the dismissive duping delight in the second question. [See “Lie Spotting and Duping Delight.”]
During my awakening about this psychopathic behavior, I came across this revealing video that shows John Gross — the head engineer of NIST, who was charged with examination of the World Trade Center’s total destruction — answering questions about molten steel. He smirks, fidgets around (reptilian brain firing) and just claims it didn’t exist. This was disturbing to me, and it indicated this strange psychopathic behavior is very deeply rooted in the system. Where did this guy come from anyway?
Another form of psychopathy is revealed by worked-up crocodile tears, unconvincing emotional responses and superficial laughter. You will sometimes see faked altruism cloaked in appeals for personal gain and money. Often the acting isn’t very good and would only fool the most trusting and naive people.
Source: https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/05/society-is-being-run-by-a-psychopathic-control-grid-part-i/