A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing (Fabian Socialism)

Fabians intent to change the world and remold it to their hearts desire; communism.

AntiTraitors Disk

Wikipedia states quite categorically that the Fabian Society is a political organization whose purpose is to advance the principles of internationalist socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow”.

This concept is broadly synonymous with that of the Frankfurt School whose cultural Marxist ‘march through the institutions’ proceeded following the failure of the revolutionary form of economic Communism to take root in the West.

However, the Fabien agenda was seeded in Britain much earlier than that of the Frankfurt School in 1920’s Germany and then later in America. The main organisation promoting Communism in England was the International Working Men’s Association (IWMA, a.k.a. “First International”), established in 1864 by Karl Marx and the elements responsible for founding the Fabian Society were profoundly influenced by Marx thus establishing a stark difference between real European Socialism and the form of so called ‘socialism’ that was establishing itself in the British Iles.

George Bernard Shaw

At the core of the Fabian Society were Sidney and Beatrice Webb. Beatrice was a close friend of Rothschild associate and Conservative Prime Minister Arthur Balfour and was in regular touch with him. Lord Rothschild himself was personally involved, with Sidney Webb, in the restructuring of the University of London into which the Fabians’ London School of Economics (LSE) was incorporated in 1898. 

Fabian Socialism

Rothschild also provided funds for the LSE and served as its third president. The LSE continues to maintain close links with Rothschild. Hubert Bland, a bank-employee-turned-journalist, was also co-founder of the Fabian Society and became a member of its executive and its long-serving treasurer. He also recruited his friend and fellow journalist George Bernard Shaw.


Shaw was working for the London Pall Mall Gazette, where leading Liberal William T. Stead served as editor and Alfred (later Lord) Milner as his assistant. Both Stead and Milner were close to diamond magnate and Rothschild associate Cecil Rhodes. The Fabien Society coat of arms, a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ only serves to represent the organisations subversive intensions.

Fabian Socialism

Consequently, it will come as no surprise that the Society materialised in January 1884 the year after Marx’ death at its inception the British Labour Party did not exist but as its agenda directed the Fabian Society set out to ‘lobby’ the existing parties. Its members also published Fabian Tracts by such authors as G.B. Shaw, Sidney and Beatrice Webb.

It was not until a meeting in 1886 that the Society decided to organise themselves as a political party and try to win seats in Parliament and by 1887 is quite clear from their aims on paper that communism figured high on their list of priorities. Fabian teachings spread within the Liberal party.

The “new” Liberals of the 20th century no longer advocated a policy of laissez-faire in government. They had turned against individualism and classical economics and favoured extending the powers of the state. In fact in 1906 Labour was to ‘acknowledged with satisfaction’ just how much sway it had with the Liberal Government despite its size.  

We know too that Asquith was a Fabian and in 1910, the same year that George Bernard Shaw commissioned a Fabian window at the Beatrice Webb house, his political manipulation worked to the detriment of the British people.

The Enemy Within
Fabian Socialism

Currently all Labour Prime Ministers have been members of the Fabian Society that has played a central role for more than a century in the development of political ideas and public policy coincidentally the century that saw Britain’s greatest decline, the theft of her land, wealth and the deliberate destruction of her natural racial demographic and according to its own site admits it “was one of the original founders of the Labour Party.” 

 Their site also demonstrates that Fabianism is at the forefront of Marxian propaganda directed primarily towards youth and women. Indeed the Fabian window shows the Fabians intent to change the world and remould it to their hearts desire. The Fabian heart desires to see the whole world governed by a Marxist dictatorship. Tony Blair has been photographed posing beside this window.

Source: https://antitraitors.com/2011/07/10/fabian-socialism/