Mass Murder always takes place when nations descends into communism as the mask is pulled over the victim’s face.

WATCH: State Senators And Frontline Doctor Have All The EVIDENCE TO INDICT CDC Officals For VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW And File Unprecedented GRAND JURY PETITION — Here’s What The CDC Is Doing To Get Away With Mass Murder

FDA Approves Killer COVID Drug for Babies

– Content unit – One column –>

DEWpocalypse Now – West Coast Under Attack

White House petition to investigate Bill Gates for ‘crimes against humanity’ surpasses 380,000 signatures

THEY LIED: Coronavirus infected patient that was deliberately released by the CDC in San Antonio spent two hours walking around a local mall>

Are Laser and Directed Energy Weapons Being Used Against the American People?

New York first U.S. state to legalize mass murder of unborn babies, up to the day of birth… God will have NO MERCY on this abomination

Tech expert says 5G wireless could cause cancer and may even flip the earth’s magnetic pole

New WMD Threats On America – Secrets And Lessons

Suicides, Overdoses And Diabetes: US Life Expectancy Falls For 3rd Straight Year













Mass Murder always takes place when nations descend into communism as his mask is pulled over the victim’s face.