Any Questions Left Concerning The Cornavirus As Being A Manufactured Crisis? This Will Surely Put Them To Rest…

By Bradlee Dean -June 6, 2020 Share  Twitter


Do words such as virus, mask, lockdown, authorized quarantine, coronavirus, for your family’s safety, swab the inside of your mouth with a Q-tip, blood tests, high fever, respiratory distress, tracking and treating, viruses come from China, Chloroquine sound familiar to you today? Of course, they do because Americans have been inundated with them 24-7 with this propaganda for the last 7 weeks. Over and over again, hour after hour, night and day, week after week, the mainstream media are pushing this narrative roughshod and with no holds barred until you either reject or until you accept it (Ephesians 4:14).

Did you know that all of these names and expressions are from a television program called “Dead Zone” from 2003? You heard me right, 2003.

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Now, I know that you have been desensitized by the same media that calls into question anyone that dares question their narratives as “conspiracy theorists,” but do consider these are also the same networks in the mainstream media that have, for years, been caught red-handed for giving cover to those who are guilty of conspiracies (Jeremiah 11:9).

Now, consider with me, if you will, an out of control government that is filled with the sons and daughters of Belial, who are guilty of continuously inundating the people for decades into a perpetual state of fear through deceptive measures (Isaiah 5:20).


We all know that this virus in the present has been debunked over and over again, and that, at the end of the day, it will be about forced compliance-government control.

Most are aware of the fact that outside of the television series “Dead Zone,” coming out in 2003, the movie “Contagion” also came out in 2011.

Then we have Bill Gates forecasting the virus in 2015.

And hot on his corrupt heels, we then have Anthony Fauci forecasting the virus in 2017.

This is what this all comes to, these propagandists tee up this manufactured crisis in order to desensitize and to condition the population in order to force them into compliance, only to then accept what it is they bring in as the solution to whatever the crisis is that they have manufactured.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media. Article by Bradlee Dean.
