CDC Mortality Counts Show More Pneumonia Deaths Than Coronavirus Deaths While Media Reporting 20,000 More Deaths than CDC?!?

By Joe Hoft
Published May 27, 2020

What is going on?  The reporting in the media of the China coronavirus is just plain wrong.

The media is reporting massive death counts from the China coronavirus.  These counts are coming from a couple of sources, one of which is the Worldometer coronavirus website.  The death counts on these sites and in the media are over reporting the number of China coronavirus deaths by more than 20,000 deaths when compared to the data at the CDC website.

The overcounts by the media are similar to the overcounts as of April 25, 2020, when the CDC also reported 20,000 fewer deaths than the media.

The CDC shows 68,998 deaths as of May 16, 2020.  Note that pneumonia deaths (87,444) over the same time period are greater than coronavirus deaths by almost 20,000.  Also, China coronavirus deaths are less than 8% of total deaths in the US (68,998/907,069).

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The Worldometer shows over 100,000 coronavirus deaths as of today, March 27, 2020.  But their total reported deaths were more than 20,000 more than the CDC on April 25th and again today.

The difference between the number of deaths for the past couple months between the CDC and the media is more than 20,000.

What is going on?  The COVID deaths are not over 100,000, they were less than 70,000 per the CDC only a few days ago.  Also, there are more Pneumonia deaths in the US over the same time period.  We now know the US should never have shut down over this flu-like virus! 

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