February 23, 2022
By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine
Before taking a look at visual evidence of what Joe Biden has done to the America economy in just one year since he has been occupying the White House, a brief flashback to a headline from May 2020, from the Institute for Energy Research (IER), stating “The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957.”
U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years. Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”—which is not to say that we did not import or export energy, but that we produced more energy than we used…………
That continued into 2020 and in 2021 America once again needed to import energy, as this recent headline states “After Being Energy Independent for First Time in Decades in 2020, US Became Energy Importer in 2021 and Projections Are 2022 Will Be Worse.”
The Daily Caller recently reported the following:
The U.S. is projected to become a net importer of crude oil in 2022, just two years after the nation achieved net exporter status, according to government data.
The country will import more crude oil than it will export, signaling lower domestic production of the commodity, according to an Energy Information Administration (EIA) report Friday. In 2020, the U.S. exported more petroleum than it imported for the first time in several decades.
“In 2021, the United States returned to importing more petroleum (which includes crude oil, refined petroleum products, and other liquids) than it exports following its historic shift to being a net exporter of petroleum in 2020,” the EIA said. “According to our February 2022 Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), we expect net crude oil imports to increase, making the United States a net importer of petroleum in 2022.”
The difference between 2019 and 2021, is that Joe Biden now occupies the White House, and one of his first moves was to kill the Keystone Pipeline project, which not only forced us back into becoming an importer, but also killed tens of thousands of jobs at a time when the nation needed to get back on its feet after the economy killing Covid lockdowns.
Of course the “official” amount of jobs lost from the Biden’s “stroke of a pen,” has not been reported, despite the fact that the deadline for the Biden regime to issue a report including the exact amount of jobs lost from Biden’s action, came and went without the mandated report presented to Congress.

We have seen a lot of previous reports regarding the massively high inflation Americans have been suffering, and many of us have noticed higher prices for groceries, meats, produce and the like, as well as the continuing rising prices at the gas pump.
Five percent here, ten there, multiple smaller price spikes so it isn’t all seen at once. Shrinkflation, where the packages are smaller, but the price either the same or just a tad more.
It is noticeable, but the way it is happening means some are feeling it far more than others….for now.
The two examples below give a visual that is chillingly disturbing. We could write a million words with links proving our assertions, but nothing quite does the job better than seeing the actual data with your own eyes.
First…. a gas chart from the beginning of 2021, at the beginning of the Biden regime.

The pain at the pumps is being felt far harder in California with their incessant gas taxes and other reasons, as CBS SF Bay Area headlines a February 21, 2022 article with “Gas Pump Sticker Shock Sends Chill Into California Weekend Travel; ‘Weeks Ahead Could Be Rather Ugly’“
“We’re also just a few weeks away from the traditional start of the spring surge in gasoline prices, brought on by the change to summer gasoline, seasonal maintenance at refineries and rising demand,” said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy. “The weeks ahead could be rather ugly with rising prices, especially if Russia pursues a strong-arm invasion of Ukraine.”
According to AAA, the cost of a gallon of regular unleaded gas was an all-time high of $4.741 — up $1.30 from this time a year ago. But in some areas the state, prices have soared above $5.00.
Related: Regular gas reaches $6.21 a gallon in Los Angeles
Now, Biden’s War!
According to ABC 10,San Diego News “experts don’t think the prices will be going down any time soon,” especially with the “tensions” (Their word, not mine), between Russia and Ukraine, causing those spiking prices to go even higher.
As we have seen in our food crises pieces, the COVID lockdowns caused a rapid series of events which have all made it harder for families to put food on the table. Higher prices, less selection, depleted shelves, and smaller packaging.
As mentioned above, in some cases those increases were done incrementally, so it wasn’t as noticeable to some as it was to others.
Once again, a chilling visual has been provided to us by a reader who read Stefan Stanford’s piece from February 22, 2022, titled “Everything Changes In An Instant When Biden’s War Begins: Wars Bring Famine, Mass Starvation And Rationing, Showing Why There’s Never Been A Better Time To Be Fully Prepared Than Now.”
In that piece, Stefan linked to “SAMPCO Shredded Beef 3lb.,” a product our reader had bought on April 5, 2021, and sent us a screenshot of that purchase, along with the visual comparison of the price in February 2022.
In April 2021, the product cost our reader $14.99 before tax.

By February 2022, the same product, same size and weight, has a listed price of $27.83.

The note that came with the images stated:
Hello, I just read your one article concerning the rationing of food.
In your article you inserted links to items to purchase—thanks for doing this, yes, I know it takes time to do this and it is appreciated.
In the one link you had the SAMPCO shredded beef link.
Last year I bought one Here is the screen shot. It cost 14.99 before tax on April 5, 2021.
Now the price is 27.83 for the same item less than a year later as shown below! That is a whopping 85.6% price increase in less than a year!
This is not an isolated occurrence, as in my last food crisis piece, I used an image sent by another reader which clearly showed a “managers special” sale price which was more than $2.00 higher than the original marked price for a steak.
We even cut back, and in some cases stopped linking to the fresh meats sold by Amazon, because the prices became so high it has become less expensive to buy freeze dried foods to use by the handful, than to buy different cuts of meats at the local grocery store or online.
Aside from the food shortages and supply chain issues with no end in sight, inflation, from gas to food to electronics and more, shows how the Biden regime has not only took America’s energy independence away, after we obtained it for the first time in more than half a century, but has destroyed the economy and made it harder for families to feed themselves….all in just 13 months.
Emergency survival food used to be purchased by preppers to prepare for a rainy day, grid down, terror attack, bad weather event, or even doomsday.
Sadly we are approaching the day where the only way to afford to eat, will be to dig out our stocks.
Top that off with the fact that truckers, who bring our food to the grocery stores, also use gas, and with the rising prices, consumers will see even more food price spikes.
Source: https://allnewspipeline.com/Chilling_Visuals_Of_How_Biden.php