Satanism Promoted Shamelessly In The Mainstream (And The Reality Of Manifestation)

By Derrick Broze,

February 20, 2022

This morning I shared an article discussing the latest drama/outrage regarding a mainstream musician promoting Satanic imagery. Every time I post/write about these types of issues – specifically, celebrities or musicians promoting this type of symbolism – there are two inevitable reactions:

1. Knee jerk responses which reject the idea that this imagery could be anything more than art, or, at worst, an attempt to be edgy and troll conservatives into expressing outrage. This mentality also assumes the images are aimed at increasing attention and thus album sales, attention, etc

2. Reactions from Christians, other religious types, and informed researchers who understand that the Predator Class is involved in various occult rituals and traditions which are not what they promote publicly. These folks understand that there is an agenda to promote and normalize these traditions which invoke the left-hand path, aka do what thou will as long as it suits you.

Obviously, I am generalizing a bit here because this is a very nuanced and complex topic that deserves much attention. Therein lies the problem – this topic is not suited for social media debates.

To truly understand this issue one most study the Mystery Religions, the Secret Societies that are obsessed with them, and the connections to those in positions of power. I understand that it’s easy to dismiss the reactions to these situations as “scared Christians” or “uptight square conservatives”.

In fact, I empathize with this viewpoint because I often notice these groups afraid of things they don’t understand, including indigenous traditions that predate Christianity and the Abrahamic religions. I clash with these groups just as often as I agree with them.

However, to dismiss this imagery, the purpose behind it, the history of these various occult teachings and the intention behind these “dark religions” – is the height of ignorance. Much like the attempts to dismiss the reality of child trafficking involving high level government officials, the dismissal of the “Satanic” agenda is equally ignorant.

(Note: I place Satanic in quotes because I do not believe this agenda can be rightly called Satanic. Luciferian is a more accurate label for *some* of these groups, but that’s a conversation for another day.)

With all that said, I believe it is important to acknowledge that there are a great number of musicians, celebrities, influencers, etc who use imagery and symbolism that has roots in these occult traditions.

For those who are unaware it might appear to be art or just a quirky artist seeking to create controversy. Yet, for those educated in this area this agenda is very real and increasingly obvious in the mainstream world.

You don’t need to believe in the Christian God or the Devil or Satan or Lucifer to understand that the people practicing these traditions DO in fact believe in them. And that’s what really matters.

The truth is that these traditions recognize the power of the human mind. They understand we each have the power to manifest our reality with our minds, our intentions, our words, symbols, and actions.

If one ignores this reality he/she will not actively make use of this power of manifestation. However, those who tap into this reality have the ability to manifest and shape the world around us.

Now imagine that one has access to television, radio, the internet, and the attention of the masses because of your position (politician, celebrity, etc). Using the power of the Mainstream media and various pieces of the Pyramid of Power, one could manipulate the masses into co-creating reality without being aware of the role they play.

This unconscious manifestation is one of the most dangerous powers of the Predator Class that rules the Pyramid of Power. This also emphasizes the importance of individual mindfulness and empowerment. We must liberate our hearts and minds from the world of propaganda surrounding ourselves so that we can shape and manifest our own destinies.

Remember this fact the next time you see an artist promoting this symbolism and imagery. Also, we should be open to possibility that many of these artists are victims themselves. It is highly likely that these celebrities are not in complete control of the movies, videos, and images they are involved with. They are likely being handled by someone else or a group of people who are much more aware of the agenda they are promoting.

(Note: Much of the controversy surrounding Lil Nas X’s new video is that his first single “Old Town Road” was extremely popular with and marketed to children. This brings up the inevitable discussion about parents’ role in deciding what their children consume.)

Ultimately, this struggle – this Conscious Resistance – is a spiritual battle. Again, one need not be a Christian to see the agenda at hand and to recognize that the Predator Class is waging a war on our souls and our very being. If we remain in control of our own minds and do the difficult work to heal our interpersonal traumas, we can ensure we are the one’s in control of our destiny.
